The O-Shot® for Women

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Between aging, pregnancy, childbirth and menopause, the female body can undergo a lot of harsh stress and unwanted changes over time. If aging and other factors have impacted your ability to enjoy moments of intimacy, or other physical and psychological imbalances have prevented you from experiencing pleasure during arousal, you may be a good candidate for a new treatment called the O-Shot®.

The O-Shot®, or Orgasm Shot, uses natural platelets and growth factors found in blood to restore sensitivity and proper function to the vagina via nonsurgical means.

At Innova Wellness Spa, we offer this revolutionary and exciting treatment to our female patients interested in restoring their sexual health using the latest advancements in vaginal rejuvenation.

What Is the O-Shot®?

The O-Shot® is an injectable treatment that utilizes platelet-rich plasma (PRP) to regenerate young tissue and cells in the vagina, enhancing stimulation and responsiveness during moments of intimacy. Patients with sexual health conditions or who have experienced unwanted changes from aging and childbirth can all enjoy the benefits of the O-Shot®. Patients who receive the O-Shot® will experience an improvement in:

Sexual libido
Vaginal dryness
Difficulty reaching orgasm
Painful intercourse
Urinary incontinence
Chronic pain from childbirth

PRP is derived from the patient’s own blood at the start of treatment, eliminating the potential for adverse reactions or side effects from a foreign substance. PRP therapy has commonly been used in sports medicine to treat injuries and more recently for cosmetic purposes during procedures like the Vampire Facial. Dr. Charles Runels expanded the possibilities of the treatment by pioneering the O-Shot® to improve female sexual health, as well as the Priapus Shot, or P-Shot®, for men’s sexual health.

Medical and wellness practices that offer the O-Shot®, like Innova Wellness Spa, must be part of the Cellular Medicine Association to ensure consistent safety standards. Innova Wellness Spa uses FDA-approved centrifuge technology and abides by strict guidelines that provide consistently effective results using safe treatment methods.

Your O-Shot® Consultation

At Innova Wellness Spa, we understand that losing your ability to enjoy intimacy or having to worry about incontinence or dryness can be a frustrating experience that impacts your romantic relationships and your self-esteem. We want to help you regain your self-confidence and improve your quality of life using minimally invasive treatments like the O-Shot®.

To learn more about this life-changing treatment, call us today at 352-509-7076 to schedule your O-Shot® consultation.

The Painless O-Shot® Procedure

At the start of the O-Shot® procedure, our team draws a small amount of blood from the patient’s arm to be separated into the PRP serum. Numbing cream is also applied to the vagina to ensure a comfortable procedure. Once the blood has been run through a centrifuge machine that separates the nutrient and growth factor-rich plasma from the blood cells, injectable lidocaine will be used to completely numb the vagina. The numbing cream will make the lidocaine injection painless.

Once the patient has been completely numbed, our team will inject the PRP into the clitoris and “o-spot” located just inside the vagina. The numbing cream and lidocaine will block any pain from the injections, but patients may feel a bit of pressure as the PRP is injected. The entire procedure takes about 30 minutes to one hour, and patients are free to return home immediately following their appointment.

Immediate Results with Zero Downtime

Following an O-Shot® treatment, patients will not experience any side effects from the PRP. They may experience some mild soreness or bruising at the injection sites, however, which are normal and expected side effects of any injectable treatment. Downtime is nonexistent, although patients should wait about three days before resuming sexual activities to allow time for the injection sites to heal. Patients may return to work and other normal activities as soon as they complete their treatment.

Results are typically evident after just a single treatment and improve over the course of several months as the PRP induces the healing process. The growth factors and nutrients will continue to promote restructuring and rejuvenation of the vaginal tissue that lasts months after the initial procedure. Common results that patients report include:

More intense and more frequent orgasms
Easier ability to climax
Improvement of incontinence
Increased libido and sexual desire
Improved vaginal dryness
The benefits of the O-Shot® will be experienced after 1 treatment, though it can be repeated within 5 weeks if desired. Results can last for approximately 1 year, though patients report improvements for much longer. It is recommended to repeat the procedure every 6 months to 1 year as needed.

Meet your Specialists

Waleed Elyaman, M.D.

Waleed Elyaman, M.D.

Founder / Medical Director / Injector